The golden orb, smirked at him, at his folly. Far in the horizon, he could see the monstrous silhouette of his brother, lifeless. He moaned, bowing his head in due respect, just as thousands of others did. The sun too bowed low, shrouding a veil of moaning darkness over Lanka. The birds were returning to their homes after having witnessed the greatest fight they had ever seen. They would chirp chirp all night, discussing their hero, their martyr, Kumbhakarna. The greater fight was yet to come, they knew it. Ravana stared as the light of dusk faded out.
He had no regrets. He had wronged none. He remembered the first time he had seen her, wandering in the wilderness, playing with the chitals. Her beauty was pure as a sparkling drop of dew, gently resting on the edge of a leaf. But it would drop off the leaf soon. He shuddered, he wanted to protect her; he wanted her. He brought her to his kingdom. She was juvenile; she wouldn’t come, but he tricked her. He tricked her to a happier life, where he would adore her, worship her. She never accepted him. He waited, he would wait forever. Standing at his balcony, he could see the Vatika where she stayed. She despised his palace, his love. He never complained. His love was unconditional. He would wait.
It would be a long night. He had lost all his dear ones; his brother, his son, his brave soldiers. All had died for their king. He too would never witness the dusk mocking at him again. He knew it. He was a proud man. He was ready to die for love.