God and man are tied together by the thread called Belief. An abstract term, its significance varied from person to person. Some, as I mentioned earlier associate it with God, while others with everything else. Many a times the answer to this question sought by an educated mind results in rationalisation on the altars of science; it results in a divide between the mind(brain) and the soul(heart). The brain, well versed in science and scientific reasoning finds and answer for everything to deny the very foundations of Belief. The heart on the other hand uses belief as a prop to keep going in the right direction. It is Belief in God that sustains a lost soul when he faces a dead end. The anecdote below would perhaps be the best way to convey the message.
Two criminals broke out of jail located in the middle of a desert. It was a hot summer noon and they had no idea where the nearest signs of civilisation were. One of the criminals was a scientist who swore by science and the other, a believer in God. They decided to walk and keep each other company till they reached safety. The walk in the hot sands was an ordeal that was sapping them of all their energy and the zeal of freedom. Yet they dragged along. Suddenly, the Believer started running, shouting, “Water! Water!” and the scientist on hearing these magic words, started running too. The Believer stopped after sometime, looking all around, bewildered on not finding the water. The scientist, puffing and panting caught up with him and pointed out,"You had seen a mirage.” They walked on, the exercise draining a lot out of them.
(I suppose, some of you would have already guessed where this is headed…)
Soon, the Believer saw water again and started running towards it. The Scientist called out behind him, ”That’s a mirage you fool. Stop this non-sense. You are tiring both of us. Just conserve your energy till we can get help.”
“No”, replied the Believer. ”We are being tested for our sins. Keep running and we shall find water.”
“Alright then”, retorted the scientist. “You go ahead. Keep running and get yourself killed. I will not give in to your foolishness any longer. Farewell!”
The Beilever kept following the ‘water’ which eluded him every time. But each time he convinced himself that it was God who was playing tricks with him and prodded on. He walked and ran and walked again. Till it was dark. Soon he saw light in the distance. He ran again and this time he found it was for real. It was a village. It was too dark then to go out looking for the Scientist so he decided to go in the morning. At the break of dawn, he took a camel and ventured out in search of the Scientist. He found the Scientist lying dead near about the same place where they had had parted.
So what is the moral of the story? Perhaps you would still remember the endless number of stories which shows a blind believer, who does not work hard in poor light. I could not agree more. Belief is not what stops one from working towards his goal, it is a source of energy. True Belief is one that helps one move on despite all atrocities and adversities in situations where rational thinking would suggest giving up. God is like that source of light at the end of the tunnel, which gives you the false impression that the tunnel is not dark and prods you to keep walking. In today’s world, Faith is a gift which keeps one in the path of 'Dharma' despite innumerable distractions and incentives to quit that path. It is this faith which therefore still holds the world together saving it from total chaos. So, finally what about God? Well, I believe and I keep the faith!
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